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โถ View this readme as slideshow generated with mdlaunch!
was made to quickly create a HTML slideshow from any existing markdown files without making changes.
So you can spin up a presentation from your existings notes/wiki/etc.
It uses Reveal.js under the hood.
To use it you need Node installed.
And open it with any webbrowser: http://localhost:5000
You can of course install it globally, if you want to:
npm install --global mdlaunch
Then you can run mdlaunch
mdlaunch --help
mdlaunch <file>
build a presentation from a markdown file and start a server (alias to
"mdlaunch serve <file> --open")
mdlaunch <file> build a presentation from a markdown file and start a
server (alias to "mdlaunch serve <file> --open")
mdlaunch serve <file> build presentation from markdown and start a server
mdlaunch build <file> build a presentation
port, p port to bind server to [number] [default: 5000]
--help Display this help [boolean]
--version Display version [boolean]
--output, -o output directory [string] [default: "dist"]
--separator, -s regular expression for separating slides [string]
--header-level, -l maximum header level for separating slides [number]
--port, -p port to bind server to [number] [default: 5000]
--open open browser after creating presentation [boolean] [default: true]
# Build a presentation to my-presentation without starting a server.
# Also use any header with level 4 or lower to separate slides. (e.g. ### Header)
mdlaunch build README.md --output "my-presentation" --header-level 4
# Build a presentation and run it on port 3000. Also separate slides with <hr>.
mdlaunch FILE.md --port 3000 --separator "<hr>"
๐ค Timo bechtel
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
git checkout -b feat/AmazingFeature
)npm run test
git commit -m 'feat: add amazingFeature'
)git push origin feat/AmazingFeature
)This project uses semantic-release for automated release versions. So commits in this project follow the Conventional Commits guidelines. I recommend using commitizen for automated commit messages.
Give a โญ๏ธ if this project helped you!
Distributed under the MIT License.
This README was generated with โค๏ธ by readme-md-generator